Well, if the title of my
blog didn’t catch some teenage attention I don’t know what will, but I suppose
I should explain before the backlash comes raining down on me like an unending
shower of trepidation and uneasiness. Speaking of showers (you know you like
that witty transition) I truly believe that we as Christians need to take time
out of every day to reflect in prayer with God about aspects of our lives to
gain a deeper understanding of our faith. Personally, the time I take out of
every day to pray and reflect is when I suit up to bare it all, mind, body and
soul, in the shower. Recently, I was
reflecting upon 1 Corinthians 13:8-10,
is eternal. There are inspired messages, but they are temporary; there are
gifts of speaking in strange tongues, but they will cease; there is knowledge,
but it will pass. For our gifts of knowledge and of inspired messages are only
partial; but when what is perfect comes, then what is partial will disappear.”
This got me thinking about
what these inspired, yet temporary, messages could be, and what a phenomenal
change it would be if we as Christians could figure out how to spread more
eternal and unfading messages to each other every day. So I decided to go out on a limb (which I
don’t normally do because it can get kind of breezy when you pray like me) in
order to make a few assumptions and tackle this subject. First and foremost I
believe that some of the most inspired messages of love in our society are
actually more akin to lust. Messages that say a person needs to look a certain
provocative way, have a certain body shape, have perfect skin or hair in order
to be beautiful and find love. Well let me tell you, you will not find beauty
in the make-up aisle of Walmart. Trust me I’ve looked! Now I’m sure some of you
are thinking blah blah blah I’ve heard this before its nothing new. . . Well
look out because I’m coming at you with some hot headed opinions!!! I would bet
that the vast majority of all compliments given at any age are definitely not
driven by love, and in fact are rooted potentially in something more akin to
lust. When you compliment someone’s hair – not love! When you compliment
someone’s nice outfit – not love! When you compliment someone’s eyes or nice
smile – not love! What to all these things have in common? Well I’m glad you
asked. . . you see all of these things will fade and disappear. We can’t take
our clothes, great hair, teeth, or even our physical eyes with us when we die.
So how can you love an eyeball or a strand of dead protein on a person’s head?
Well, I don’t think you truly can. However, my last assumption is this and it
is that qualities like trust, honesty, faith, piety, chastity, honor, and
patience do not disappear or fade away like our bodies. Therefore, I believe
when you fall in love with someone at the soul level these are the things that
are eternal and never fade. I’m not saying stop telling people they are having
a good hair day or that by doing so you are doing something wrong. What I’m
trying to get at is I believe that the world would be a better place if we kept
these ideas in mind and started to balance the messages we give one another. I
want to hear more people complimenting a person on how they admire their honor
today or that a person’s honesty inspires you in the morning. I challenge
anyone who actually read this to start going out and spreading messages of true
love when you compliment your best friends, coworkers, parents, brothers,
sister, grandparents, etc. It seems in today’s society that these types of
compliments and messages to people are out of the norm and could even be
considered weird. I say let us start a Cultural Revolution right here, and if
you have read this blog I challenge you to help me change the world. Let’s
start focusing on what truly matters about people and make it common place to
give compliments of true love on things that will never fade or disappear.
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